LEAPS: A New Approach to Project-Based Learning

LEAPS stands for Learning and Engagement through Authentic Projects, with a focus on Science.

This Danish initiative, led by the Kata Foundation, centers on project-based learning, where students engage deeply with real-world problems on local, national, or global levels. By tackling authentic societal issues, students develop a deeper understanding and stronger connection to their education.

The primary goal of LEAPS is to enhance student learning and engagement in primary and secondary education.

Enabling LEAPS through school transformation 

LEAPS is a pioneering school initiative in Denmark.

Becoming a LEAPS school requires a significant commitment, involving a five-year transformation process. During this time, school leadership prepares for deep changes, and teachers are trained in LEAPS principles. The transformation is gradual, with ongoing integration of LEAPS into teaching. Following this period, a five-year follow-up ensures continued success.

The Kata Foundation supports this journey by providing a project leader who assists schools weekly, facilitating teacher training, collaborating with leadership, and supporting LEAPS projects.

Sønderskov-Skolen in Sønderborg, Denmark, has implemented LEAPS across all grade levels since August 2019.

There are currently 10 LEAPS schools in Denmark. The transformation process takes five years, followed by a five-year consolidation phase.

LEAPS projects

A LEAPS project spans at least six weeks, integrating interdisciplinary learning with clear goals. Projects are meticulously planned by teachers, both individually and in teams, using LEAPS planning tools to maintain high academic standards.

LEAPS projects revolve around six key components:

Engaging question: Tied to a real-world issue.


Kickoff: Starts with an engaging and motivating event.


High-quality products: Students create meaningful products.


Authentic collaborations:Involves community experts.


Multiple drafts and feedback: Students refine their work through feedback.


Exhibition: Projects culminate in a presentation to an authentic audience.


Additionally, LEAPS projects emphasize clear learning goals, interdisciplinarity, and a focus on Deeper Learning skills.

Based on the Hewlett Foundation’s definition, Deeper Learning skills focus on the following areas:

Master Core Academic Content: Students gain a deep understanding of key disciplines and can apply this knowledge in new contexts.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Students use academic tools to analyze and address complex issues.

Collaborative Work: Students work together to solve academic, practical, and social challenges.

Effective Communication: Students develop skills in active listening, clear argumentation, and impactful presentations.

Learning How to Learn: Students reflect on and adapt their learning strategies.

Developing Academic Mindsets: Students build confidence, perseverance, and motivation to fully engage in their studies.

A comprehensive resource site 

All LEAPS resources are available for free on this website. The Kata Foundation provides a wide range of LEAPS planning tools, protocols, examples of LEAPS projects and further inspiration for all teachers with an interest in LEAPS and projectbased learning. You can find the resources here (in Danish).

Are you interested in learning more about LEAPS and The Kata Foundation?   

Please send an e-mail to info@katafonden.dk and we will answer your inquiry as soon as possible. 

Nørre Havnegade 43 - 6400 Sønderborg
CVR: 29945179